Three Resources to Help Children with CP Learn

Children with cerebral palsy can benefit from a range of educational resources that are available from the school system. Improvements in technology have made significant advancements toward allowing individuals with CP to better interact with their environment. If the baby injury that your child suffered was the result of medical negligence, you may want to consider contacting a birth injury attorney in Dallas to see if they are able to get a jury award or a settlement that could help you pay for the cost of these and other resources.

Special Education

Most school systems have a special education program to provide for children with special needs. These may include classes that are designed to help students that are a little bit behind their peers in terms of cognitive development, or they may be classes that are designed to accommodate children with hearing, speech, or mobility difficulties as well as any other challenges they have to overcome. For children with cerebral palsy, a special education program as well as an experienced special education teacher are invaluable resources for your child.

Charitable Organizations

There are plenty of charitable organizations out there that have resources available for families with children who have special needs. These include athletic programs, social activities, educational organizations, and many more. Having opportunities to socialize is as important for children with special needs as it is for any other child. These can be excellent resources for helping a child to feel less ostracized and to learn a bit from their peers, which is a big part of growing up.


Technology has done a lot to make life more gratifying for individuals with special needs. Even children with severe cases of cerebral palsy, who oftentimes have minimal control over their muscles, can engage in intellectual activities by using special devices.

For example, students who have trouble using their hands can sometimes use a voice activated computer program or even use computer programs that are motion activated so that they can type. Textbooks that are read by text to speech software can be great benefits for students who have trouble hearing.

Some of this technology helps children to gain experiential education. For example, some of the new assistive mobility devices make it easier for individuals to get around and enjoy the world a little bit by themselves. While cerebral palsy is always a challenge, there are plenty of new ways out there to help children overcome these challenges and to live a more gratifying life.

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The birth injury team at the Rasansky Law Firm has the experience with and knowledge of cerebral palsy needed to zealously represent and protect both your interests and your child’s. If your child suffered a birth injury or was born with cerebral palsy, or if you need information about cerebral palsy or birth injury law, schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced cerebral palsy attorney by clicking using the form below or calling us toll free at 1-877-405-0228.